Term 1 and 2
Topic Page
Term 1 - We are beginning this years learning by thinking about how super we all are. We are focusing on a smooth start to the school year and ensuring that our children feel happy, confident learners. We are enjoying the lovely September weather and taking part in learning inside and outside in the garden. The children have been busy weeding the garden and considering how the weeds managed to grow even though we didn't have much rain during the summer. We have also been enjoying being part of a brand new class and sharing happy times altogether.
Weeding the class garden!

Making apple crumble!

Supertato! We have enjoyed reading and exploring this wonderful book!

WOW! On Wednesday, the whole class (plus some amazing adult volunteers) visited the Bright Foundation in Westfield. The day was led by Rebecca and involved many stories using puppets from around the world. We were introduced to Chinese, Japanese and Indian puppets and learnt about the several types of puppets there are. We were lucky enough to have Kate from the foundation with us as she is a puppet maker and a puppeteer and let us explore puppets that she had made. In the afternoon we created our own puppets and performed a shadow puppet show in the Foundations very own theatre. The children were all amazing and should be enormously proud for such an amazing day out.