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Staplecross Methodist Primary School

Do all the good you can (John Wesley)

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Welcome to the PTFA section.


At Staplecross, we are fortunate to have a very active PTFA (Parents, Teachers and Friends Association). The PTFA is an organisation run solely by volunteers, it is made up of a network of parents, carers, teachers and friends who work together to raise money to support our school.


More importantly, the activities help to bring parents together and promote good communication between parents and staff while working towards a common goal.


Everyone can get involved, even if you only have a small amount of time to give. It is a great way to bring greater benefits and opportunities for the school and its children and for parents/carers to be more involved in school life. If you feel you can help in anyway please don't hesitate to contact one of us on the committee, the more helpers we have the more we can do for our children's School.


Please see Mrs Jenny Thorncroft for further information.
