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Staplecross Methodist Primary School

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PE and Sport Premium

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Staplecross Methodist Primary School


Primary PE and Sport Premium Indicators       2019-2020


Total Fund allocated:  £16,950                                                                                                                                            

Our children love all forms of physical activity and we are grateful for the improvements we have been able to make because of the additional funding from the Government.  Encouraging all children to benefit from different forms of PE is a vital part of our school aims.  It also supports our Curriculum in helping them understand the benefits to maintaining good levels of physical and mental health and well-being. 


This funding has helped us provide additional opportunities for all pupils, contributing to their social skills, as well as developing physical skills and abilities. 

Key Indicator 1: Engagement of all pupils in regular physical activity

Percentage of total allocation:  30%

School Focus with clarity on intended impact on pupils.

Actions to achieve

Funding allocated

Evidence and impact

Sustainability and suggested next steps

Provision of good quality PE lessons (2 hourly sessions each week)

Use of Pass and Move to lead and model PE lessons for identified year groups.


Subject Leader monitoring of class timetables as well as quality of provision of activities.  Long term plan reviewed for breadth and balance of curriculum.


Governor monitoring

School staff enabled to continue good practice, using experience of Pass and Move.

Provision of broad and balanced PE Curriculum throughout the year.

Hire of Village Hall to store equipment and use Hall during winter months.  Additional use for alternative venue in wet weather all year round. Annual inspection of gym equipment.




Subject Leader and governor monitoring.

Good community relations and ongoing booking  arrangement.

Key indicator 2: the profile of PE and Sport being raised across the school as a tool for whole school improvement

Percentage of total allocation: 0%

School focus with clarity on intended impact on pupils

Actions to achieve

Funding allocated

Evidence and impact

Sustainability and suggested next steps

Annual Healthy Living week held to involve all pupils in additional sports and physical activities.

PE Subject Leader to set timetable in collaboration with Science Subject Leader. Linking activities to understanding of  nutrition, the human body  and  impact on general well-being.


Pupil views gathered after the week.

Staff and Subject governor to review week and decide on changes for following year.

Daily mile embedded within the whole school

Developing year on year.



Pupil voice gathered on the Daily Mile. Healthier children and improved pupil concentration in lessons .

Staff and governors to review in terms of impact on pupils and how activity fits into school day.






Key Indicator 3: increased confidence, knowledge and skills of all staff in teaching PE and Sport

Percentage of total allocation: 17%

School focus with clarity on intended impact on pupils

Actions to achieve

Funding allocated

Evidence and impact

Sustainability and suggested next steps

Pass and Move employed to model a range of disciplines to identified staff across year.

Timetable organised to access identified staff.

£2200 (see KI 1)

Subject leader and governor monitoring.

Ensure all staff have access to expert led lessons.

Improve staff skills at providing high quality PE session with good progress and extension activities.

Access to PE Planning site for units of learning.  Liaison with Pass and Move instructor.


Subject leader monitoring shows well -structured and differentiated teaching.

Subscription to continue.








Key indicator 4: broader experience of a range of sports and activities offered to all pupils

Percentage of total allocation:  45%

School focus with clarity on intended impact on pupils

Actions to achieve

Funding allocated

Evidence and impact

Sustainability and suggested next steps

Continue to run two dance clubs in order that more pupils can access this activity all year.

Liaison with external provider.  Hall space booked and 3 different aged groups set up.



 Dance Club involved in different performances throughout the year, including Summer Play.


Only sustainable if funding available. 

Offer of  extra -curricular activities: Football, Netball, Running, Rounders

Netball, Running and Rounders provided by school staff/parents.

Football provided by Pass and Move.


Club attendance figures monitored.

Subject Leader to monitor to ensure clubs sustainable in terms of adult leaders and funding.

Swimming lessons offered to all Key Stage 2 children in order that all children are able to swim when they leave primary school.  Important life skill and good for confidence of a wider range of pupils.

Liaison with local private school with suitable pool and qualified instructor.  Hire rates negotiated.  Transport organised and sufficient adults timetabled for supervision in pool and changing.


Qualified swimming coach but paid for by parental contribution.


Transport costs paid for by PTFA

Pupils’ progress monitored and certificates given for skills achieved.

Annual arrangement with private school and qualified swimming coach.

Outdoor Activity Week organised for Years 4 and 5 in term 1

Suitable provider chosen.  Parents’ meeting held.  Staff to prepare children in terms of experience to come.

n/a paid for by parents

Pupil voice indicates positive experience, with many new activities tried and team building successes for all pupils.

To be provided every other year.

Provision of intervention  programmes for identified pupils to improve gross/fine motor skills.  School to develop links between physical co-ordination and learning readiness in all areas.


Member of staff delivering JUMP AHEAD programme every morning


Funded by SEN/Pupil Premium





SENCO and PE Subject Leader

Additional member of staff trained in order to provide back up support.



Range of playground markings provided for outdoor play to improve gross motor skills, balance, coordination and friendships.

Obtain 3 quotes for new playground markings to go onto newly resurfaced playground.


Children will have more cooperative play which will develop friendships, children will improve their gross motor skills and balance, they will have a greater choice of activities to play during break times.

Staff to monitor the impact and guide children towards activities which will benefit them.

Sufficient resources available for variety of PE activities across the year.


Resources checked and supplemented throughout the year to match PE Long Term Plan.








Assist pupils to select sporting equipment independently.

Erect a new shed to house the PE equipment in an organised way so that pupils can choose resources.


Children will develop their PE skills during break and lunch times as well as PE lessons.

Increased independence for pupils.

Key Indicator 5: increased participation in competitive sport

Evidence and impact:   8%

Participation in HRSP inter-school events.

Different year groups involved in inter school events: athletics, gymnastics, netball, football, badminton, cross country.


All year groups from Year 1-6 participate in local inter-sport events.  Monitored by PE subject leader.  Gold  School Games Mark certification.

Hastings and Rother Sports Partnership well supported by local schools in annual contributions so ongoing provision.

Organisation of shared PE events and matches across Federation.

Liaison between Subject Leaders as to possible clubs/classes, eg Netball and Football clubs, Dance Club.


Pupil/parent questionnaire.

Dependent on availability of parent transport, variety of clubs operating.  Organise Federation access to local secondary school minibus and qualified driver.





