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Staplecross Methodist Primary School

Do all the good you can (John Wesley)

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Term 1 and 2 2022 - 2023 - The Great Fire of London

Our exciting topic about The Great Fire of London taught the children about the historical events and how important Samuel Pepys diary was to tell us about events from the fire.  The children learnt about the different sources of evidence which helped us know about certain events and even what they used to put out the flames! From this, they made their own Great Fire of London house using similar materials to that of 1666 so we could set them alight and learn now the fire took hold and spread from house to house! They used their own water guns to make sure the fire was out.  The children has a real fire engine visit the school where they got to speak to the fire men and women about their jobs asking questions as well as learning about fire safety in the home.  After they got to try out the hoses on the playground which nearly reached the field! 
